The Challenge

In Motion Dentists is excited to present a new Assisted Teeth Brushing Program that will decrease long term dental bills and improve overall health. Over the last decade of providing house-call dental services, we have found that oral care is the most challenging activity of daily living for families and caregivers to complete. Our goal is to improve the quality of life of our patients and reduce the need for extensive dental care in the future.

The Solution

This Program consists of our highly trained and committed Oral Health Care Specialist coming to the patient where they reside and providing the following:
• Twice a month oral care services
• Recommendations for specific oral care tools and products
• A thorough toothbrush cleaning
• Interproximal cleaning between the teeth
• Use of mouthwash
• Family/Care staff training on how to complete daily oral care

The Benefits

The oral cavity is the gateway to the rest of the body. Oral pain can make eating foods that keep the body healthy and strong impossible. A healthy mouth free of gum disease is proven to:
• Decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s/Dementia
• Decrease the risk of heart attack
• Decreased the risk of stroke
• Improve blood sugar levels
• Decreased the risk of pneumonia

The Cost

The Oral Health Care Specialist comes 2 times per month and the cost is $100 per month (or $50/visit). If the patient is only seen 1 time in a given month, the cost is prorated at $50/visit.

The Commitment

There is no commitment to the Assisted Teeth Brushing Program. You can cancel at any time. We do require a 24-hour notice to cancel an oral care appointment to avoid a $25 fee. Other than that, it is month to month for as long as you want the service.

How To Sign Up

We can’t wait to show you the immediate and long-term benefits of this program. To sign up online, fill out the form below. For more information about the Assisted Teeth Brushing Program call us at (626) 210-0941 Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm or email us at

Take control of your oral health and call In Motion Dentists at (626) 594-0374 to join our Assisted Teeth Brushing Program and schedule your next appointment today!